Monday, April 23, 2012

Wednesday and Thursday...

The middle of the week was a bit relaxing and quite a game changer. The Dillingham School District decided to give students in the district a writing assessment. On Wednesday, the students were given a class period to brainstorm what they would like to write about for their assessment. On Thursday, students were given two class periods to write their written assessment.

The way this played out was that students would start school at a regular schedule and their first period class would be the normal class length. After their first period class, students went to their "homerooms" and stayed there until they completed their essays. After the written assessment all the classes were only 35 minutes long and for the most part students in all classes were working on projects or make-up work. 

Since students were busy working on their projects I decided to redeem myself in restarting my uluaq project. Here are the end results.

Peter(84) with his finished product and explaining to me the best quality wood to use for an ulu

On my right is Peter (Peter is a very common name in the town)

On Thursday, Peter and myself decided to join the community in some high stakes bingo. This was my first time playing bingo with a competitive crowd. There were at least 10 different  types of possible bingo games. We only played two games, but the whole event lasted from 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm.

Here is a picture of the back-up communications igloo, just in case contact with the rest of civilization was lost using the other means available.

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