Monday, April 23, 2012

Friday was our last day in New Stu and classes were back to their regular schedule. Here are a couple pictures of the school.

The school designed was inspired by a boat being stored for winter. If you look closely under the ceiling,  the crossbars represent the interior infrastructure of a boat. Pretty slick!
On our final day there were a lot of students gone, because they had left to participate in the Native Youth Olympics. Classes were relatively small ranging from 2 to 8 students.

Here is a short video taken in a Yup'ik classroom while students were reviewing their vocabulary of the week before their quiz. 

Before leaving I made sure I thanked the friendly staff and elders for their generosity and hospitality that they provide during my and my classmate Peter's stay.

Here are some of the faces that came to be very familiar during my week.

Although they spoke little English, my effort to learn a few words and phrases sure

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